Die Winterjacke fürs Elektroauto – Lithium-Ionen Batterien können vor dem Auskühlen geschützt werden
3 Minuten Lesezeit
Im Winter sinkt die Reichweite von Elektroautos, weil die meisten Akkuzellen keine kalten Temperaturen vertragen. Das Unternehmen AllCell Technologies hat nun ein Produkt entwickelt, welches verhindert, dass Lihtium-Ionen Batterien auskühlen.
Die kalten Temperaturen haben schnell Einzug gehalten und so wird die Reichweite von Elektroautos, wenn diese nicht in einer Garage stehen oder über Schutzvorrichtungen verfügen, schnell gemindert.
Der Schutz besteht aus einem PCM-Graphit Verbundmaterial, welches auch bei Brennstoffzellen verwendet werden kann. Der Vorteil bei diesem System ist, d. es passiv arbeitet und so keinen Strom während des Betriebes benötigt.
Original Pressemeldung (Englisch):
(Quelle: http://www.allcelltech.com/images/file/news/Thermal_Runaway_Press_Release.pdf)
AllCell Granted U.S. Patent to Prevent Thermal Runaway Propagation in Li-ion Batteries
October 10, 2012 – AllCell Technologies received a new U.S. patent covering the use of phase change materials (PCM) to prevent thermal runaway propagation in electrochemical devices such as lithium-ion batteries, ultra capacitors, and fuel cells. The new patent is an important extension of AllCell’s intellectual property, which already includes U.S. and international patents covering the use of PCM for thermal management of electrochemical devices. Through over a decade of research and development, AllCell has developed a proprietary composite material composed of a conductive matrix impregnated with various PCMs that extends the cycle life of lithium ion cells and can prevent the propagation of thermal runaway, a critical step in improving the safety of lithium-ion batteries.
Several recent high-profile incidents involving electric vehicle batteries have highlighted both the importance of battery safety and thermal management as well as the inadequacy of conventional thermal management strategies. Automakers are rapidly realizing that complex liquid cooling systems add significant expense, reduce vehicle range, and are prone to leaks or other malfunctions that can compromise battery safety and performance. Manufacturers of smaller electric vehicles such as electric bicycles, scooters, and motorcycles similarly struggle to manage the thermal demands of increasingly energy dense batteries with high discharge rates. AllCell’s elegant and passive technology requires no power to operate and has no moving parts, paving the way for the industry to improve battery performance while simultaneously reducing battery cost.
One of the benefits of passive thermal management is the ability to operate even when the vehicle is turned off. Whether protecting car batteries parked all day in the scorching Phoenix sun or electric bike batteries baking inside a metal case exposed to direct sunlight, AllCell’s PCM composite can protect the expensive lithium-ion battery cells from overheating, dramatically extending battery life.
According to AllCell CEO Said Al-Hallaj, “We are very pleased to announce this enhancement of our IP position during a period of rapid growth for our company. AllCell is excited to contribute to the critical improvements in electric vehicle batteries required to transition from today’s limited market of early adopters to products with true mass market appeal.”
Wenn diese Innovation vor Kälte und vor Überhitzung schützen kann ohne zusätzlich Energie zu verbrauchen, wäre das ein weiterer Schritt zu stabiler Akkukapazität und Leistungsabgabe.